Blergh, curse this cold. Hopefully I shall defeat it yet! In the meantime, here's a bit of correspondence I had with the Conservative MP Charles Hendry last week. Let it never be said I can't do impartiality!

I am neither Conservative nor a member of your constituency, but nevertheless I commend you on a simple and effective website.
I have been conducting a small social experiment at my University in Cornwall to see how many of my friends can actually name their Member of Parliament, as I have been struck by the number of young people who cannot. It is surely no coincidence that a large amount of "voter apathy" amongst young people comes from the fact that they have never communicated with their MP, or if they have, do not know what they stand for.
One of my friends who I asked happens to come from Uckfield, which of course is in your constituency, but was unable to recall exactly who it was (though she knew it was a Conservative). Thus, I did a small bit of research on Wealden, and as a result, came to your site.
I can safely conclude from visiting it that it is not your fault my friend doesn't know who you are!
You seem to be doing a lot for the constituency, and there is a lot of sense in your campaigns. I particularly agree with your point about managing the traffic problems in East Grinstead, having seen them for myself: it is vital that the congestion is not simply "shifted elsewhere". Speeding is also an issue in my home county of Gloucestershire and more needs to be done to highlight just how dangerous it is, especially with regards to my generation.
I am also a supporter of train travel, and believe the Lewes-Uckfield link is badly needed: I have only been from London to Brighton and back twice, but that is more than enough to realise that it is becoming far too congested! An alternative route would certainly help that, and would encourage people to visit a part of the country that I believe at times has been unfairly overlooked.
I may not vote Conservative myself - the Labour MP for Stroud, David Drew, has done an excellent job in the area - but I wish you the best of luck at the election.
Finally, as someone who does have an interest in becoming an MP themselves: what is the most difficult part of your job with regards to serving constituents?
Yours sincerely,
Chris Stanley, 21
This is his reply...
Dear Chris,
Many thanks for your kind email and I am delighted to know that you have found my website easy to use and helpful. If that is the case, it has achieved its objective!
I am grateful too for your support for some of the local campaigns, especially on transport issues. Good luck with your own political aspirations. Perhaps the greatest challenge is trying to get the right balance between being in the Chamber and also handling the increasing volume of constituency casework. Nevertheless, it is the constant variety which is also one of the most fascinating aspects of the job.
Best wishes,
Charles Hendry
Charles Hendry
Member of Parliament for Wealden
Shadow Minister for Energy
House of Commons
LondonSW1A 0AA

The website is actually very good. And you should visit East Sussex if you get the chance: it's a brilliant county. And Brighton is awesome, of course.
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