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Saturday, March 20, 2010
Power to the People, Part II
Well, personally, I liked that programme a lot. Very good indeed, and the important thing was that Portillo didn't just look at northern towns or London, he looked at southern counties like Dorset and places in the midlands, such as Doncaster. And it doesn't matter what party you are: people want to know they can make a difference, that they can keep the parts of the community they cherish. How does the political system not understand this? It's why politicians are losing touch with my generation: sticking with the elite, because the idea of electing an unwholesome mayor makes true democracy seem unpleasant. Life is unpleasant, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't give ordinary people the chance to make a positive difference. And by difference, I mean a change to the political system as a whole.
Am now watching Clegg's speech from the Lib Dem Spring Conference. Never have I heard a man with a sore throats make such a noise. Liking his rhetoric on Britain's former technical prowess. And cutting the number of MPs by 150? It would at least make it easier to remember them all. You can't have 650 MPs without inviting the stranglehold of beauracracy.
Power to the People, Part I
He's in Hartlepool at the moment, where everybody knows Stuart Drummond, the Mayor who used to be Hartlepool United's mascot. He got elected directly, and to be honest, I'd like to see that happen in Falmouth. It would be a good start.
Back to the show: he's in Doncaster now. Peter Davies, Mayor of Doncaster, is incredibly outspoken. Dear me.
More in a bit! Shouldn't type and watch tv at the same time, really.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Speaking of the 70's...

RIP Billy.
Gene Hunt for PM: It's Back To The 70s

I may have to do a whole list of MPs sites, though that would take a while. You can always find MPs sites here, if you're interested. I quite like Greg Hands' one, especially as he's against Heathrow expansion! Definitely one of the "good Tories": and yes, they do exist, just as good Labour MPs do. So help me, I'm being vaguely impartial.
Still not quite sure which way to vote. Thinking Lib Dem atm. I am ultimately a Liberal, though like most people I dabble in Conservatism. But only in the amount of tea I consume, honest!
Have a good weekend people,
PS Budget stuff next week: there shall be focus on that. OF THE MEGA KIND.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
If I Sit On This Sofa, Maybe People Will Forget About The War

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
A Letter From Charles Hendry (MP)

This is his reply...

The website is actually very good. And you should visit East Sussex if you get the chance: it's a brilliant county. And Brighton is awesome, of course.