Greg has asked me to thank you very much on his behalf for your email, which he was extremely interested to read.
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you a work experience placement, as we are fully booked at present. Situations vary between different MPs’ offices, so it would definitely be worth contacting other MPs. I suggest it might be a good idea to contact the MP for any other address you might occupy/have links with in the UK.
I’m very sorry that we cannot be of further assistance, but I wish you the best of luck, both with your degree (I was at Exeter University myself!) and with finding a shadowing opportunity here in Parliament.
Kind regards
Emma Maguire
Parliamentary Assistant
Office of Greg Hands MP
Shadow Treasury Minister
House of Commons London SW1A 0AA
020 7219 5448
maguiree@parliament.uk; http://www.greghands.com/
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