So his latest comments on Twitter, in theory, should be treated with a pinch of salt, or at least considered over a cup of Twinings. But the man with almost 1.5 million followers has said something that might raise more than a few eyebrows, though perhaps not with amusement from the reds and the blues...

"Frankly I'm tempted to vote Lib Dem now. If we let the Telegraph and Mail win, well, freedom and Britain die."
He said that last Thursday, just before the second debate. And if you thought that was a one-off, here's a comment he made a few hours ago.
"Still surprising myself with LibDem thoughts. Haven't yet heard good anti-hung parliament argument yet. Interesting. Few days to decide."
Come on Stephen, haven't the Conservatives and the press kept mentioning what a bad idea a hung parliament is? Well, the impression seems to be that, for now, the attacks aren't reaching at least one of their targets.
Twitter certainly does move in mysterious ways: and after the demise of the Labour candidate in Moray at its hands, the establishment does not trust it: mainly because, every now and then, it strikes a considerable chord. Quite possibly my favourite line about what is now being dubbed "Bigot Gate", or "Gaffe Gordon" as I called it, is this gem from Simon Pegg:
Seriously though, where are the Eastern Europeans "flocking in" from? My guess would be Europe, possibly East.
Indeed, your point is rather well substantiated Mr Pegg. However,
Ah, good times. Stephen Fry + Simon Pegg = some form of hilarity that is generally classed as cool and/or British.
So, with a few notable celebrities behind them, can the youthful, sharp-witted army of Tweeters swing this election? Perhaps: after all, this is the first time we've ever seen social networking take an election by storm. But this much is clear: Twitter may have a taste for certain musical numbers, but it's not just a jump to the left.
Speaking of which, here's how (or possibly how not) to vote next week...
P.S. Turns out Rocky Horror came out in 1975, during the time of the hung parliaments. Interesting, no?
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