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Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm Still Alive!

And to prove it, I'm in Falmouth on Monday to see Uni people, wooooo :-D

I'm sorry I'm so terribly slow, I really should update more frequently! But in fairness I've been super busy recently: the hostel takes up a lot of time, and I don't get much internet down here in Salcombe.

So here's what you need to know atm:

1. I have lots of cards: you guys are awesome :-D Except for the blokes. Blokes, you have sent me no post. GET IT SORTED.

2. I was up in London on Monday and Ipswich on Tuesday seeing my girlfriend Rachel. That's right, the poor girl has agreed to go out with me. Heaven help her. You'd think a Cambridge student would know better, wouldn't you? But seriously, she's awesome you guys, and I will stop now before I get too soppy. Eeeee :-)

3. I'm in Falmouth this Monday for one night only! So yes, do feel free to give me a shout and we shall meet up and it will be awesome. I'm thinking of doing the St Mawes ferry, but we'll have to see.

Take care people! Remember, now matter how bad your day is, at least you're not Nick Clegg. His popularity is most bogus, dudes...

The Evening Stanners