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Thursday, May 6, 2010

First to the 100 Club?

Labour 99
Conservative 102
Lib Dem 13
Others 23

The Conservatives have finally moved into the lead. Still very close at the moment. We won't have a result until at least 5am, but it looks like the Conservatives will become the main party at present.

Welp, time to put the top hat on.

Still looks like a Hung Parliament atm.

Evening Stanners

1 comment:

  1. I forgot you already have a top hat, lol.
    Also, just as well I am not playing the following drinking game

    drink every time
    - paxman accuses someone of being a hypocrite
    - some techie is seen wandering behind dimbleby
    - someone comments on the unreliability of the exit polls
    - someone talks about hung parliament scenarios
    - they show footage of ppl not being allowed to vote
    - you catch sight of one or more monster raving loony party candidates
    - the BNP gets far too many votes
    - the BBC goes "ooh! check out our new technological toy! it uses computer graphic type stuff!"
