Of all the moments in the Clegg-Cameron press conference yesterday, perhaps this moment summed it up best.
Andy Bell: Prime Minister, do you now regret when once asked what your favourite joke was you replied, "Nick Clegg"; and Deputy Prime Minister, what do you think of that?
David Cameron: I, we're all going to have...
Nick Clegg: Did you say that?
David Cameron: I'm afraid I did once, I...
Nick Clegg: Oh, right.
David Cameron: I... (looks somewhat ashamed)

Nick Clegg (Shaking head, pretends to leave): I'm off, I'm off!
David Cameron (Mock desperation): Come back! We're all going to have, um, things that we said, um, thrown back at us, and you know, there's a serious point in this...
Alas, his point was probably lost in all the laughter and amazement. Two men who, of course, had locked horns for 270 minutes on live TV were now apparently considering giving the stand-up circuit a go. The papers, of course, are full of it, with Morecambe and Wise appearing to be the order of the day (presumably Clegg being Wise, as Cameron took Morecambe on Thursday night).
At the risk of jumping on the comedy bandwagon, The Evening Stanners would be more than happy with the proposal that they'll start each morning with the Breakfast scene. And of course, in tribute to the Two Ronnies, each press conference should end with Cameron saying, "Well, it's goodnight from me", followed by Clegg saying "And it's goodnight from him!"
The media, amusingly, do not really know what to make of it. Conservatives and Liberals, getting on together? But surely it will end in disaster! And if the election battles in various constituencies are anything to go by, then they may well have a point. But the mood amongst most people I have spoken too is optimistic, with only the people who have never liked Cameron voicing their opposition.
So then, all things considered, it's got off to an excellent start. The Liberal Democrats have considerable power at their disposal, five posts in the Cabinet, and will be allowed to abstain from certain key votes, such as nuclear power.
But what do the lefties think of it so far?
Thank you very much.
The Evening Stanners
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