On the right, Nicholas Lyes argued that "Tories need to form part of next government. Anything else is an affront to deomcracy". But his opinion seems to be that of the minority, as crackthesky_ feared that "Today the Lib Dems may join the dark side, sacrifice integrity and voters who chose them as an opposition to Tories. Please #dontdoitnick"
In light of this, The Evening Stanners believes Frankie Goes To Hollywood should be allowed to convey Twitter's message to Mr Clegg:

On a more serious note, William Hague and Danny Alexander, the main negotiators for the Tories and the Lib Dems respectively, have informed the media that "further progress" has been made: but the reality is that a deal will be made later rather than sooner. Too many people in the Tory camp are sticking on Proportional Representation, and until they concede on that, the deal looks a long shot.
NEWS JUST IN: Labour and the Liberal Democrats met for talks over the weekend, according to the BBC's Nick Robinson. Ed Balls, Ed Miliband, Lord Adonis and Lord Mandelson were all involved in talks with the Lib Dem negotiating team, as Nick Clegg sought to keep his options open for as long as possible.
The FTSE is also doing considerably better today, as the markets are reacting well to the Euro stability package: thus confounding The Sun, which predicted a Brown Monday. On this evidence, it might well be argued that they should happen more often. The Prime Minister is still not in the strongest position, but with the Conservatives losing momentum, he might well be in a position to capitalise.
The Evening Stanners
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