
Merkel: "Morning, Cleggeron."
Cameron: "It's Clameron. Dash it, I mean Cameron. Now, as you know, I'm here to make it absolutely clear that I'm going to treat the Eurozone like Gene Hunt treats a criminal: slap it about without actually killing it."

Merkel: "Are you sure this is how these things go? Brown was much easier to deal with"
Cameron: "Well yes, but then you started panicking the markets. And don't get me started on the number of times you change jackets. How can I trust a leader who's obsessed with fashion?"
Cameron: "You see, we wouldn't be having all those financial ruckus if you'd bailed Greece out sooner. And that's why the Eurozone isn't going to get any more power over the UK, damn it"
Merkel: "Must... control... urge... to rant..."


Cameron: "You see? Her jacket's changed colour! Again!"
In all seriousness, the talks are actually going relatively well: the Economist sums up the actual state of affairs here. To be honest, I just wanted to write Merkel Smash.
In other news, Lords Mandelson and Adonis are no longer in the Shadow Cabinet, which signals the departure of Mandelson once more from the political foreground. But it seems likely he'll be back in the near future. I bet he's only gone away to spend more time on Google's brilliant tribute to 30 years of Pacman. Wokka-wokka-wokka-wokka...
The Evening Stanners
You are such a kid! "Merkel smash!" Though that IS kinda cool :P