So, the England football team.
Makes me... proud... to be...

And breathe.

In light of the recent development that England are shocking, I have decided that the easiest way to guess how England will do is to see how Labour are doing in the polls.
Let's have a look-see...
1966: Labour win by a landslide, with George Brown as Deputy Leader. England win the World Cup.
1970: England get to the Quarter-Finals, but surprisingly lose to Germany. Labour lose the election, and George Brown loses his seat.
1974: England don't qualify. Labour win by default against Ted Heath.
1978: England don't qualify. Labour barely holding onto power under Lib-Lab pact.
1982: England make the second group stage. Labour on brink of extinction?
1986: England make the quarter-finals. Labour starting to fight back a bit. Gordon Brown is now an MP. (Note the Brown connection: note it!)
1990: England reach the semi-finals. Labour are ahead in the polls, and Thatcher is on the brink. Gordon Brown is on the rise in the Labour Party
1994: England don't qualify. Labour leader John Smith dies. Gordon Brown bottles chance to be leader.
1998: England make the second round. Labour are in power. Tony Blair is in a bit of trouble over the Ecclestone business; Brown is Chancellor.
2002: England make the quarter-finals. Brown has served five years as Chancellor.
2006: England make the quarter-finals. Blair's STILL there. Brown is very close to becoming PM.
2010: England can't beat the US or Algeria. BROWN IS NO LONGER IN DOWNING STREET.
So we can safely conclude that England only do well when:
1. There's a person called Brown in Government. (In between the two Browns, you'll notice, we never make it beyond the groups, or even qualifying sometimes!)
2. There's a strong Labour government.
3. We have huge riots in London.
So, seeing as the first two aren't going to happen anytime soon, I propose that somebody in London holds a riot before Wednesday, or we're all horribly DOOMED.
The Evening Stanners
PS I just realised something else! The majority of Scotland is held by Labour, and Scotland don't want England to win! Coincidence?!? (That sort of conspiracy will get you fired from your onw blog - Ed.)
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